The AOAC Africa will be hosting a series of webinars leading up to our bi-annial meeting in October 2021. Please click on the links below to view past webinars, or to register for upcoming webinars.
– 20 January: Determination of mycotoxins in food: regulatory requirements, challenges and analytical best practices <watch replay>
– 24 March: Determination of micronutrient composition in fortified foods – regulatory and analytical challenges <watch replay>
– 26 May: Allergens in food: Regulatory landscape, allergen management and analytical challenges <register>
– 21 July: Laboratory Safety and Security: Back to Basics
– September: Persistent organic compounds in food & environment
– Quantification of sodium and salt in foods: challenges and implications <watch replay>
– Food Fraud and Food Authenticity: how to detect and manage in the supply chain <watch replay>
– Mycotoxins in food: risk, exposure and analytical best practices <watch replay>
With great appreciation to our webinar partners